Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kids and App Safety

As you know, technology is moving at the speed of light and unfortunately our children are leading the innovations and consumerism. It's scary to think that parents (me included) need to stay ahead of our children to prevent them from danger. Danger comes in all forms! One of the biggest dangers kids face is themselves. As children they feel invincible and don't take the precautions they need to stay out of harms way.

Great article written by Kristin Peaks "7 Dangerous Apps Parents Should Know About" Please read it.

My suggestions is to read the article, sit down with your child's device, see if any of these apps have been downloaded. Remember if you pull the main screen down from the top of the device (apple) an app search bar will appear. Do it this way so you don't miss it! If your child uses Android, you should clip the app icon, look for the magnifying glass and then search with it. If an app is hiding you'll be able to find it.

After looking for any of these apps you'll be able to sit with your child, ask them how they use the app. Start a discussion with them about safety. You may think they already know, but if your children are anything like mine, they might overlook some of these teachings. My children know, anytime, any hour, I may be inspecting their device!~


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